viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Jessica Yuen's Summer Started With Azealia Banks

Jessica Yuen's Summer Started With Azealia Banks Jessica Yuen

Yuen's summer 2012 soundtrack is one of Thread NY's favorite designer playlists to date.

Designer Jessica Yuen of Bedford St. Laundry tempers a gritty-pop summer '12 playlist with splashes of rock (Arctic Monkeys, Supergrass), hip-hop (Azealia Banks, Ma$e), and a nod to teenybopper Top 40 (you just can't fight Carly Rae Jepsen this summer). We can't say for certain, but we suspect this is our most addictive Designer Playlist yet.

"Robi Rob's Boriqua Anthem," C+C Music Factory: "The Spanish girls in junior high put me on to this song and I've loved it ever since. Makes you want to crash a backyard/basement party in Corona."

"Noisy Night," Portastatic: "I first heard this song when I started dating the boyfriend and instantly loved it even though I hated most of his music at the time. Somehow hearing it makes me feel like I'm sitting on a rickety porch swing with the smell of wet grass wafting in the air."

"Feel So Good," Ma$e: "I don't know that Puff still drives Mercedes or that Ma$e still gets the ladies but [this song] has been the jam since sixth grade. Bonus points for the matching silver suits. Yea, yea."

"Alright," Supergrass: "I think 99% of girls my age know this song from the group photo scene in Clueless. It's such a kooky Brit teen anthem, you can't not love it."

"Why Have We to Wait," Razika: "I saw these adorable Norwegian girls play at Cameo Gallery this past winter and their light poppy sound is perfect for summer."

"El Tigeraso," Maluca Mala: "Any New York female who finds the experience of walking by the bodega in pum pum shorts in the summer both obnoxious and hilarious, this song is for you."

"212," Azealia Banks: "My summer started the moment I saw the video which was some time in the winter. Her energy is beyond."

"I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor," Arctic Monkeys: "Stomp and flail around a dark sweaty pub with Alex Turner? Yes, please."

"Baby Baby Baby," Make the Girl Dance: "The French somehow have the whole dance genre completely figured out. The beat and the outrageous lyrics just encourage the best bad decisions."

"Call Me Maybe," Carly Rae Jepsen: "C'mon. Don't fight it."

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